Subject Area Mission Statements

Colegio Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the American School of Lima, is an independent, international school, providing a college preparatory program in English for students from age 3 through grade 12.

Our mission is to encourage the Roosevelt Community to embrace and experience the arts as an essential part of being human.

English as an Additional Language (EAL)
The EAL program is designed to foster the acquisition of the English language through academic content. The purpose of the EAL team is to advocate for multilinguals at FDR.

  • Ensure that all students, regardless of their home language or level of language proficiency, have equal access to curriculum.
  • Explicitly support English language development through intentional practices.
  • Model school wide leadership in promoting an asset-based philosophy which celebrates multilingualism.


English / Language Arts (ELA)
Language IS power.
It transforms us and connects us across time, space and culture. It is FDR's essential obligation to cultivate this ideal.

Health and Physical Education
The FDR Wellness and Physical Education community empowers its students to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.

Through studying human experience, students will grow as empathetic, globally engaged, informed critical thinkers who understand diverse perspectives and have the courage to serve.

Because we believe that reading is vital, curiosity inspires exploration, and information literacy is crucial, our school libraries cultivate inclusive, vibrant environments that are central to the social and academic life of the FDR community.

In alignment with the FDR Mission, Core Values and Learning Principles, the goal of mathematics education at our school is for students to be fearless mathematicians who are flexible and adept problem solvers.

We believe mathematics is a universal language that allows students to think critically and creatively in order to make sense of the world. We encourage students to be active learners, to make connections, to take risks, and to recognize that mistakes and perseverance are important parts of the learning process. Our students work independently and collaboratively, communicating and justifying their mathematical thinking in multiple ways and critiquing the reasoning of others. In a challenging and inspiring environment, they develop enduring skills and understandings that transfer within and beyond the subject. Our program seeks to foster a curiosity and an appreciation for the utility and power of mathematics regardless of students' college and career choices.

In a world that is unpredictable and increasingly dependent on science and technology, our mission is to cultivate a curiosity, a desire to discover, an ability to analyze and evaluate in order to empower students to become scientifically literate citizens who create conscientious solutions.

Academic Intervention and Learning Support
Our mission is to empower all students to develop self-efficacy, independence and to reach their full potential while nurturing their strengths through an inclusive culture that honors and celebrates neurodiversity.

Spanish (Additional Language)
Given that we recognize and respect that students come from diverse language backgrounds and that length of stay in our learning community may vary, we believe that the ability to communicate in an additional language empowers, connects and engages students to have meaningful academic, social and cultural experiences in our host country with a focus on empathy, International mindedness and future opportunities in a globalized world. With time in a supportive environment, we provide opportunities for students to reach bilingual and bicultural proficiency in the target language.

FDR encourages our learning community to engage in the purposeful and responsible use of technology by fostering information and digital literacy, creativity, collaboration, and the critical search for solutions to develop balanced digital citizens in an ever-changing world.