Advisory Council
The Parent Advisory Councils are designed to enhance and facilitate communication between parents and school principals and/or administration. There are three Advisory Councils, one for Early Childhood & Elementary School, one for Middle School, and one for High School Each Council consists of an Advisory Liaison (PTA-appointed and a member of the Executive Committee) and a couple of (parent) Grade Representatives for each grade level. These Councils meet with their division principals on a monthly basis to talk about new initiatives, parent concerns and any other issues that parents and principal determine necessary to discuss. To create the Council, each division’s Liaison selects a couple of Grade Representative/s for each grade level. Parent volunteers for these positions are solicited at the end of each school year through the ROL (Registration OnLine form). Please contact if you are interested in volunteering for this role and would like to learn more about the position’s description. Participation in PTA Assemblies and workshops related to these roles are also key to showing interest and learning about them.
Parents who want to share topics of concern can reach out to their Homeroom Parent and their Grade Representative(s). Please remember that topics that go to the Advisory Council are those that apply to the whole grade in general, and personal issues must be taken directly to teachers and/or principals. To ensure that you are abreast of issues in your grade level, please get to know your Homeroom Parent, your Grade Representatives and your Division’s Liaisons. They are a great source of information and a good point of contact to find out what is happening throughout the year.