Admissions Criteria

All students are eligible to apply for admission to Colegio Franklin Delano Roosevelt regardless of gender, race, religion, creed, or national origin. Students applying from Grade 2 to Grade 12 will be accepted based on readiness for our academic program and space availability. Colegio Roosevelt's admissions policies and procedures are established by the school administration and support a balance between native and non-native English speakers, promote cultural diversity and strive to maintain the U.S. and international character of the school’s educational program. These policies and procedures are designed to ensure that all students accepted will be able to achieve academic success.

Admission decisions will be guided by the language, academic readiness of the applicant and considerations to achieve a balance in the student body. Priority will be given to native English speakers and proficient English speakers. In addition, special consideration for admission will be given to siblings, EAL expatriates and children of alumni.

To be accepted at Colegio Roosevelt a student should demonstrate:

  • The capability to maintain normal progress in an International, college-preparatory program with support services as appropriate within Colegio Roosevelt’s available English as an Additional Language and Special Educational Needs program guidelines.
  • Proficiency or the ability to achieve proficiency (as determined by school-administered testing) in the English language. 


All admissions procedures are the responsibility of the administration

Early Childhood Program (EC3 , EC4), Kindergarten and Grade 1:

Admissions Criteria:
1. Siblings of current Roosevelt students
2. Children of Colegio Roosevelt staff
3. US Embassy dependents
4. International candidates whose primary language is English
5. Other international candidates
6. Children of alumni
7. Children of new local families applying to our school

(50% boys – 50% girls and 50% locals – 50% internationals)


Elementary School (Grades 2-5), Middle school (grades 6-8) and high school (Grades 9-12):

Admissions Criteria:
Appropriate grade placement will be determined by the administration on the basis of grade placement in a previous school, student records, teacher recommendations, English language ability, age and the Colegio Roosevelt admissions screening process conducted by the school administration. Other relevant factors may also be considered at the discretion of the administration.

Our main goal in the application process is to assess each applicant's level of readiness for our curriculum in the grade to which he or she is applying. This allows us to ensure that the academic program is the right fit for new students and to place them in the learning environment in which they will be most successful while at Colegio Roosevelt.

Maximum Number of Students per classroom    
EC3 16   
EC4 18   

English as an Additional Language (EAL):

Applicants who are non-native English speakers are evaluated using the WIDA W-APT or MODEL Screener assessment as part of the application process. This assessment is administered on-site. Acceptance may depend on the applicant's level of English proficiency depending upon the grade level and amount of available EAL support. Upon admission, all non-native English speakers will be evaluated using the WIDA W-APT or MODEL assessment to gather data on English proficiency levels to determine level of EAL support, if needed.

Learning Support Program (LS):

Colegio Franklin Delano Roosevelt recognizes that certain individuals have special educational needs requiring academic support. Always with the aim of providing suitable educational services required for the benefit of the student, the Learning Support Program provides support for students with certain special educational needs through the Learning Support Program in grades K-12th. Services are provided in the least restrictive environment for students who have been diagnosed mild to moderate needs that impact learning such as Specific Learning Disabilities and/or an Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

Colegio Roosevelt aims for all students to have a positive start at school and be successful learners. It is critical for families to provide as much information as possible about a student’s learning profile and/or any known learning differences or conditions that might impact their performance. If a student has been given a formal assessment previously, such as psycho-pedagogical assessment, an integral language assessment or other, the assessment report should be submitted to the Office of Admissions during the application process.

In cases where placement testing or observations raise questions about an applicant’s learning process and a formal assessment does not exist, the school may request a further evaluation to assist in the holistic review of the divisional Student Support Team to determine the support needed.

For more information, visit our Learning Support Program section.